Is RIM Running a Dating Website? Maybe They Should…

Group of smiling friends standing against white background with Santa Claus

Reading through the reviews on App World recently you would think that RIM is running a dating site on the side. I remember back in the days of AOL it was popular to post your ASL (Age Sex & Location) on message boards to find friends. Over the years that has moved on to different platforms but it seems like RIM is getting in on the game. If you read through the reviews of free and even paid apps on App World you will run by tons of reviews like this one:

ASL review 

You would think this rating would be for a dating application right? Wrong. It is for Aces Traffic Pack. So far the worst offender I have found is the BlackBerry Messenger reviews. That at least makes sense since they are asking to be contacted over BBM but still kind of weird. The other thing I noted is that many of them are under 18 according to their “reviews.”

Maybe this means RIM has a burgeoning market they have yet to tap in BBM. They might have great success by throwing in a chatroulette style “find a friend” option to the app. Something tells me RIM’s “brilliant” legal team will find a reason to kill a promising feature but who knows. With all the advertising for BBM it might just happen. If RIM just looks at the reviews in App World they may realize they have a promising opportunity to cash in on.

OTHERWISE. Any developer willing to create a chatroulette style app for BlackBerry Messenger? You will probably do VERY well…

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