Is it Really This Easy to Deploy a Adobe Flex App to the PlayBook?

It has been years since I have used any of Adobe’s Flash tools to develop an application. The last Flash app I built was back when they had Flash v4 (think dinosaurs) which is why I was shocked when I watched these tutorial videos by Coenraets. In these two videos Christophe Coenraets shows how to easily deploy a Flex application to both a BlackBerry PlayBook and a Samsung Galaxy Tab. It kind of blows my mind that it would be so easy to port. Maybe I need to brush up on my Flash skills…

Deploying a Sample Mobile Trader App to the BlackBerry PlayBook: (Article Link)

Deploying a Sample Employee Directory App to the BlackBerry PlayBook: (Article Link)

What do you think? I know I am going to check out Christophe’s 90 minute Flex Mobile Development tutorial. Thanks for the tip Derek!

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