John pointed out to us that AllThinksD has also posted a live blog of their interview with Mike Lazaridis yesterday afternoon. The conversation seems to be the same as what we mentioned from the Endgadget live blog and they are just as confused with Mike’s evasive answers. Still there were three points I found that were interesting:
- According to Lazaridis the 7” size might not be exclusive. Mike said “We’ve got different sizes potentially coming”
- The PlayBook QNX OS will only be coming to BlackBerrys once they have multicore processors
- Mike has to tap dance to avoid answering the question every BlackBerry user is asking. We love the PlayBook but what is the future of the BlackBerry PHONE? You know that thing that made you the best smartPHONE maker?
I think that last point is key. Every hardcore BlackBerry user is wondering what RIM has in store for their next phones. This is a huge black hole currently and all RIM wants to talk about is Tablets. Walt and Kara were trying to pin Mike on BlackBerry Phones (RIM’s core business) and most of what Mike had to say is about the PlayBook. The thing is that the PlayBook is a companion to a BlackBerry phone so we obviously care about the phone more than the companion tablet…
You really should read the whole interview over at this link but here is the one question and answer that continues to bother me:
Can you update us on BlackBerry 6 OS in the market, and how are you doing at attracting developers?
Mike: BlackBerry 6 available on the Torch, the Bold, coming soon to Curves. “It really is the foundation of us going forward on the BlackBerry.”
I really hope the BlackBerry 6 OS is not the foundation… Ask any BlackBerry user and and you will be hard pressed to find one who tells you differently. I admit that I am loving BlackBerry 6 when compared the OS 5.0 but the limitations are killing me. How much longer will we be dealing with limitations like 2MB applications that cant be great because they need to be so small?
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