Fart Apps, Web Launchers, and Browsers Disqualified from Free BlackBerry PlayBook Offer

cippifartingchipmunk.JPGYay RIM! After digging a little into the free BlackBerry PlayBook offer at Marc’s behest I noticed this one paragraph in the terms and conditions.

4.1 Applications must provide a functionality that is considered useful to the end user, as determined by Sponsor, in its sole and absolute discretion. Applications must comply with the Guidelines and these Terms and Conditions. However, the following categories of applications are specifically excluded from eligibility for the Offer:

(a) Web launchers or shortcuts;
(b) Web browsers; and
(c) Applications that provide a simple, single function, such as playing noise or displaying a graphic.

I am not sure why Web Browsers are specifically excluded but my guess is that RIM thinks their WebKit browser will blow all others away. Still I love the fact that RIM finally admits that Web Launchers and shortcuts do not count as “useful” by RIM. FINALLY. For years RIM has peddled these web shortcuts as apps so it is nice to see even RIM question their value. RIM has also made a point of disqualifying fart apps by excluding any apps that “provide a simple, single function, such as playing noise or displaying a graphic.”

It should be interesting to see what submissions RIM gets. Hopefully they won’t get inundated with eBook “Apps” which RIM has not excluded for some reason even though they are currently running rampant (almost 3,500 of them) on App World…

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