RIM Upgrading App World Backend for v2.1 Update

BB-AppWorld-payment-optionsWe have heard some rumblings from developers that RIM is working on upgrading the App World infrastructure for in app payments. Our friend Josep just confirmed this by sending over a copy of the email RIM has send developers:

"We are happy to announce that we are starting to launch the first phase of BlackBerry App World version 2.1.

Over the weekend and today we are upgrading our backend systems as well as the BlackBerry App World Vendor portal. During this time the reporting system will be down. It will be back online tomorrow.

Once the Server is launched you will be able to:

  • Upload digital goods for BlackBerry Payment Service (in-app purchases)
  • Register and manage digital goods in the BlackBerry App World Vendor Portal

Please note that this is simply the BlackBerry App World Vendor Portal. End-users will not be able to download digital goods through BlackBerry Payment Service until the BlackBerry App World 2.1 client is launched in the future. We will announce more information regarding the client launch in the future.

Thank you for building for BlackBerry,

BlackBerry App World Team"

As the email clearly states these in app payment features wont be live until the new App World 2.1 client rolls out but hopefully it is coming soon. This is huge on other platforms and allows developers to offer extra content and charge for it. Or provide a way inside the app to upgrade from a free version or trial to the full version. Hopefully in app payments will be coming shortly after 2.0.

Let us know if you spot any other App World 2.1 developments!

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