Boost Mobile Lowers Prepaid BlackBerry Curve 8530 to $199.99

Boost Curve 8530

The first thought I had when I read this price cut was that $199.99 is quite a bit to pay for a low-end last-gen BlackBerry Curve 8530. On the other hand the big pull for Boost Mobile is that this device is prepaid and contract free meaning that you can get in on the great $60+ all in one plans from Boost without signing any of those pesky 2 year contracts.

Sprint made the announcement that the Boost brand is now carrying the BlackBerry Curve 8530 for $199.99 (instead of the previous $249.99) from now on. If you were in the market for a prepaid device check it out at this link on the Boost Mobile website. via Engadget

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