PSA: Men Please Keep Laptops Off Your Lap…

macbook frying an egg I always found that the category name “Laptop” was misleading. I have not owned a laptop in the last 7 years that I could actually safely put on my lap. Some of them were so bad you could fry eggs on the back. That is exactly the point of this PSA. I know that many of you are toting laptops around with your BlackBerry. We always knew there was a bad combination of putting your searing hot laptop right on top of your private parts but now we have a scientific paper in the journal of Fertility and Sterility detailing just how bad it is.

Here is a summary of the findings:

  • Putting a laptop on your lap will fry your gonads which could affect sperm quality
  • There is little you can do other than simply putting the “Laptop” on a table or desk
  • Researchers found that even with a laptop pad under the laptop the 29 young men still had overheating scrotums
  • Within 10-15 minutes the temperature is already beyond what the researchers considered safe but the young men did not feel it
  • There is no solid connection between laptops and infertility but something tells me there will be some soon.

You can read a recount of the study over at Fox News or read the abstract directly from the Journal.

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