BlackBerry Traffic May “Result in Death, Serious Injury AND Property Damage”

BlackBerry Traffic Safety Warning I have always hated the annoying warning messages when you use most GPS navigation apps. It is a bunch of legalize CYA crap that really does no good. It is kind of like the warning on Superman costumes saying you cannot fly… Imagine if your car stereo played a warning message saying that “failure to pay full attention” may cause accidents. No kidding! I know all of you turn over to the side of the road when they are changing stations or checking your cellphone.

That is why I got a bit of a kick when Eliezer sent over a screenshot of the BlackBerry Traffic app warning splash screen. While most apps warn you that "Serious Injury OR Death" may occur the creative RIM developers/lawyers think that both will occur…

“Failure to pay full attention to the operation of your vehicle may result in death, serious injury AND property damage.”

I am not saying that RIM is wrong but I have yet to understand the purpose of these warnings. They are kind of like EULA agreements when you install software or install a new BlackBerry app for that matter. Does anybody read them? For all I know they say that RIM is allowed to monitor all of your phone calls… What do you think? Have you ever read one of these warning messages and actually changed how you use an app?

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