Rumor: BlackBerry PlayBook Launching in February?

The latest rumor to spin out for the PlayBook has it launching in February of 2011. Trinidad & Tabago’s TSTT’s Jay Alvi claims that RIM is planning on launching it then which Simon pointed out is during Mobile World Congress where Mike Lazaridis is delivering a keynote.


This fits in with what I have heard until now but from what I have been hearing the PlayBook’s exact launch date is still up in the air at RIM. There are a bunch of pieces that need to fall in place before it is totally finalized and so far they have been making great progress.

I really cannot wait for the PlayBook to launch since I think it will really revamp the BlackBerry brand. It is the first time RIM has stepped out of the smartphone market and gives them a chance to shine outside of the carrier controlled market. Hopefully they wont let the carriers hold them back with the PlayBook like they do with their smartphones. Get your gadget lust on again by watching the live playbook demo from Adobe MAX:

via Guardian via BBLeaks

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