UPS Manages to Evade You and Still be “Sorry We Missed You”

This is a story I can tell about any of the package delivery companies in the US including USPS, UPS, FedEx, and DHL. I could be waiting at home all day for my latest laptop, cellphone, or gadget and Ill walk outside to check and notice the “Sorry we missed you” note. At my old apartment it was even worse with USPS. I once caught the postman and he didn’t even have the package on his truck when he stuck the “Failed Delivery” pink slip in my mailbox. These guys have balls! I always wondered how I always had to go to the post office to pick up packages.

To parody the whole situation some creative artist posted a page from the UPS delivery manual on Reddit via Gizmodo:

Package Ninjas

Have you ever been in that situation? Tell us your best package delivery story!

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