T-Mobile Lowers Data Throttling Cap to 5GB a Month

I still have yet to meet a BlackBerry user who uses 5GB of data a month without tethering but who knows there may be some of you out there. According to TmoNews, T-Mobile is lowering the previous 10GB a month data cap to 5GB a month starting October 16th. This means that if you go over 5GB a month T-Mobile will throttle your data speeds to cut you down. The cap starts again every month so you only have to wait for the end of the month to fix it.


You will get a free text message when you reach the 5GB cap a month telling you that speeds have been throttled. You could easily reach those numbers on a data card but you would have to stream some serious video to hit it on a BlackBerry. On the other hand Android phones could do it in a few weeks based on the usage numbers of a few of my friends…

3 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. So I can use my unlimited internet till it hits its limit then I will be limited. That makes no sense and the tmobile rep told me I should use wifi. If I could use wifi I wouldn’t need a data plan would I unless I like throwing money away on having as many internet connections as possible.

  2. this annoys me and what makes it worst is that this practice is perfectly legal. You pay for unlimited and if your using it to capacity then they slow you down, smh. There really needs to be more cell phone regulation out there, because consumers are getting the short end of the stick. T-mobile is sucking right now anyway with their Blackberry devices…..but this story covers ALL devices so its even more appaulling.

  3. ok i just talked to tmobile and i think this is just one big scam caus they told me if i upgrade to the new 30 dollar data package i will get back my limit of 10g bbut since im still using my old one that costs 20 dollars that ive had for 4 years i will be reduced to 5gb now that might be the biggest crock ive herd yet. but i just want u to know they wont let you leave your contract yet for it cause they say its in their terms of service that they can change it and there is nothing you can do about it so good luck and dont get screwed over in a more expensive data package.

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