Registration and Submission Fees Waived for App World Developers (Limited Time)

RIM let us know at DevCon that they will be waiving registration and submission fees for App World. The offer is only for a vague “limited time” but it includes both new and current App World developers. I think this is a great push for RIM to get developers to create and submit apps and further lowers the barrier to entry. I heard a rumor that if the program takes off they will make it permanent.
The exact wording for the offer is:

BlackBerry App World limited time offer: registration and submission fees are waived.

You can sign up free and submit apps using the normal channels at this link

While they were presenting one of the RIM reps mentioned that BlackBerry Code Signing keys would also be free for a limited time but I cannot find any confirmation of that. I will update the post if I find more.

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