AT&T Launching BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9100 and 9300 on October 3rd

Pearl 3G AT&T According to the latest rumors stemming from Engadget the BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9100 and the BlackBerry Curve 3G 9300 will be launching on October 3rd. I know quite a few people who are waiting to jump on the latest Pearl 9100 so it cannot come soon enough.

I think the 9300 has a niche of its own as a cheap enterprise phone or an entry level smartphone but the 9100 is where RIM has some serious potential. The 7100 and then the 8100 made a huge splash and got RIM into the consumer market. A nice revamp of that line will be perfect for consumers who want smartphone feature sets but not the extra bulk of huge screens or full keyboards.

What do you think? Are you going to pick up a 9100? No word on if it will launch with BlackBerry 6 but I doubt it.

via Engadget

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