How many of you still bother to remember peoples phone numbers by heart? It used to be an art form to memorize as many of your friends numbers without having to pull out a address book (the paper kind :)).
I was reading an article in the New York Times about how Travis Erickson lost his cellphone on the beach and the series of events that led to his girlfriend breaking up with him. He could not remember her phone number and instead called his ex-girlfriend to ask for his current year-long live in girlfriends number. Needless to say that ended badly but it just goes to show that people rarely remember phone numbers by heart anymore.
The New York Times goes on to say that people have other things to remember like passwords but the repetitive motion of phone numbers is no longer one of them. I wonder if in the future we will bypass the phone number entirely…
I thought I would throw the question out there. Do you know your significant others cellphone number by heart?
(via Gizmodo)
Terrence T ( View Profile) - Posts: