I started noticing this little change RIM made in BlackBerry 6 over the last few days. It used to be that if you had a device password on your BlackBerry and hit the lock button on the top of the device you would have to enter your password to unlock it. In BlackBerry 6 and the latest versions of OS 5.0 RIM has changed this. (Knowledge base article)
From now on if you hit the lock key on the top of your device it will only lock the keypad so if you hit the lock button again it will unlock without a password. Only if the security timeout (minutes) has been reached does it security lock the device.
Very odd that RIM would make such a change when the device password is clearly targeted at businesses but I hope they did some user testing on it. Its going to confuse users as to when their device is locked or locked locked. 🙂 First they changed how the K key and * key lock the device and now this. I wonder what shortcuts they will change next!
Terrence T ( View Profile) - Posts: