UberTwitter Beta 8 Released With Loads of New Features

UberTwitter UberTwitter is still fighting the good fight when it comes to Twitter clients for BlackBerrys. Their latest update brings Beta 8 to the table with a load of new features. I will let the change log below speak for itself

You can pick up the new update in App World at this link or directly at this link.

Let us know what you think of the update!

Full change log:

  • New User Interface – We’ve taken the BlackBerry platform to another level with our intuitive interface.
  • Themes – You asked and we delivered the capability to choose a color theme to suit your desires. We do plan to expand the built-in themes and allow you to build your own in the future.
  • ÜberChannels provides real-time “Channels” – live streams of relevant messages from respected sources on a particular topic. These topics include cities and countries, sports, entertainment, health, business and political issues, hobbies, pastimes and passions. ÜberChannels crawls more than half a million Twitter lists to identify the most respected sources on Twitter. We will be upgrading this in the near future to include filtered channels in order to provide you with the best real-time content.
  • List Search – Twitter lists are great, but how do you find lists about a particular topic? We’ve solved that problem by providing you the ability to search and find lists that interest you.
  • Über Bar – No you can’t order a drink there, but you can ‘dock’ your favorite ÜberTwitter functionality to it! Add your favorite user timelines (and we’ll include their picture too!), lists, saved searches, favorites, everyone near you, and more!
  • InstaPaper – Configure you InstaPaper account and use the short-cut key ‘I’ or the menu to quickly save tweets for reading later.
  • TwitSnap – We now support inline preview and viewing of pictures included in tweets from TwitSnap.
  • tmi.me – Have more to say then can fit in 140 characters? No worries, we are now including tmi.me support. This provides the same functionality as TweetLonger, but it has a really cool URL! You can choose between TweetLonger and tmi.me.
  • Following and Blocking Status – Open a users profile and at the bottom you can see if they are following you and whether you are blocking them.
  • unblocking – You can now unblock users.
  • ReTweets of You – Ever wonder who is retweeting what you say? Well no more, select ‘retweets of you’ from the menu to see which of your tweets are being retweeted. Highlight one of those tweets and select ‘Retweeted By’ from the menu to see who retweeted it!
  • Conversations – It was nice to be able to click the ‘in reply to’ button to see what tweet a person was replying to, but now, click the ‘Talk Bubble’ icon, select ‘view conversation’ from the menu, or use the short-cut key ‘c’ and we’ll do the heavy lifting and retrieve the entire converstation for you!
  • Saved Searches – We are fully integrated with Twitter’s saved search feature. Save searches on ÜberTwitter and they will appear on twitter.com and vice versa. Frequent searches can be added to the Über Bar for quick access!
  • Muted Users – Ever had a person you follow who just was spouting off a ton of tweets and you really didn’t want to un-follow them? Well now you can choose to mute them for a day, a week, or forever! They won’t get notified of this unless you ask us to!
  • Default Email Recipient – Using the ’email tweet’ feature from the menu all the time and find yourself entering the same email address every time? Now you can add a default recipient in your account options and it will automatically be addressed to them.
  • Easily Direct Message – Select ‘goto user’ from the menu (‘g’ shortcut), highlight a friend and use the menu to select ‘Direct Message’ to compose a direct message to them.
  • View Profile – You can view a users profile in many places now, select ‘view profile’ from the menu to view the users profile who sent the current tweet. Highlight an @user anywhere on your device and select ‘View Profile’ from the menu and we’ll take care of the rest!
  • Send URLs to Über – From any web page in the browser, select ‘Send to Über’ from the menu and we’ll automatically shorten the URL and bring up the compose tweet screen!
  • Hashtag Picker – Hate having to type in those trending topic hashtags all the time? No problem, when you press the ‘#’ key when composing a tweet we’ll bring up the ‘Hashtag Picker’, either pick one that is already saved, or keep typing and press ‘enter’ and we’ll save it for the next time.
  • Über Tweet – Tweet from any application on your device, just open the menu and select Über Tweet and we’ll bring up the compose tweet screen.
Changes and Fixes for release 2
  • Fixed issue where timelines would freeze
  • Fixed issue where @replies would show up late
  • Improved memory management
  • More efficient timeline scrolling
  • No longer relies on the device time/timezone being correct
  • Added ‘Mentions’ button to user profiles, taking you directly to a timeline of tweets that mention that user
  • BlackBerry notifications can now be turned on/off within options for regular tweets, @replies, and DMs individually
  • Added a ‘Delete All’ to the ‘Hashtag Picker’ menu
  • Restored the ability to ‘load more’ tweets on timelines
  • Fixed a bug in our cell tower geolocation capability which was preventing some towers from being recognized
  • Fixed a bug where if you select it, the location field in your profile wasn’t getting updated
  • The ‘enter’ key will now work the same as a trackball click on one of our custom buttons
  • Fixed bug that was causing input exceptions when composing a tweet on Storms
  • Improved the visual quality of the icons
  • Allowed older devices to select the larger icons
  • Fixed the sound alerts so that only one alert is received for 1 or more new tweets/@replies/DMs
  • Fixed the countdown of unread tweets when putting the application in the background
  • Caught a condition where some users were trying to send a tweet and it would send out the text ‘null’ instead
  • HTML entities are now converted to the correct Unicode character
  • If you have unread marks set to auto-manager, then leaving the @replies screen and DMs screen will mark all of those as read
  • Added back the ability to select SSL connection to Twitter
  • The number of tweets returned in ‘Everyone Near You’ and searches now respects the setting under ‘options’.
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