Keyboard Shortcuts for Next & Previous Were Changed on Purpose!

Changed Priorities; Irony in a Road Sign Earlier this week I wrote about how I was annoyed that RIM broke with years of tradition and flipped the functions of the P and N keyboard shortcuts in the messages application in BlackBerry 6. At the time I was curious if this was a glaring bug or if RIM did this on purpose. Turns out that a knowledge base article from RIM confirms that:

This is the intended functionality for BlackBerry Device Software 6.0.

According to them from BlackBerry 6 onwards these are the new shortcuts:

Move to the next message down the message list Press N
Move to the next message up the message list Press P
Move to the next message down the message list Slide your finger to the Right
Move to the next message up the message list Slide your finger to the Left

So what do you think? Does it make sense that P which in my mind stands for “Previous” will take you to a newer message? Sound off in the comments…

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