BBM Updated To & BlackBerry Podcast App Now Available

95029 ScreenHunter_02 Aug. 10 20.37We noticed that RIM released an update to BlackBerry Messenger from to You can download the updated version from or at this link on your BB browser. The update is doesn’t seem to be available on app world yet but it should be there soon.  They didn’t release a list of new features but the last version was much improved with bug fixes and a few new features. I assume the updates on the update is aligned according to the launch of the BB Torch on Thursday.

Another release is the official BlackBerry Podcast app that had been released to a few through the BlackBerry Beta zone for testing. You can download it through BB App world  at this link. The version released is

Some of the features of this app include:

• Browse and search for free podcasts from categories like arts, TV & movies, news and more.
• Subscribe to, download and play podcasts directly from your BlackBerry smartphone
• Receive notifications when new episodes of your podcasts are available, and download them.

CrackBerry, Discovery Channel, and The Three Stooges are some of the channels featured in the home screen but you can browse through a wide variety of channels including a BlackBerry section.

via: CB

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