I am really starting to get a bad feeling about all of these reports. The latest comes from NPD which claims that Android has taken over top billing with the largest smartphone sales in this quarter. Here are the numbers:
- For the first time since Q4 2007 RIM is no longer the top selling smartphone in the US
- Android accounted for 33% of smartphone sales compared to 28% for RIM and 22% for Apple
- Verizon Wireless has maintained its lead among top carriers for the last three quarters comprising a third (33 percent) of the units sold in the U.S. mobile phone market in Q2, followed by AT&T (25 percent), Sprint (12 percent), and T-Mobile (11 percent). In Q2 Verizon Wireless continued their buy-one-get-one (BOGO) offers on all smartphones, including both RIM and Android mode
You can check out the report straight from NPD but keep in mind the small italicized disclaimer at the bottom:
Data Note: The information in this press release is from Mobile Phone Track – NPD’s consumer tracking of U.S. consumers, aged 18 and older, who reported purchasing a mobile phone. NPD does not track corporate/enterprise mobile phone purchases.
In other words NPD is not tracking RIM’s largest customer base… I wonder what the numbers would say if they did.
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