Review: imgEdit by Toysoft for BlackBerry

Review: imgEdit by Toysoft for BlackBerry
[rating: 8 out of 10]
Cost: $7.99 (currently $4.99 on sale)

I have like photo editing software. I think it’s fun to add a little extra to pictures. It makes them a little more personal. ToySoft has tried their hand with their photo editing software for BlackBerry called imgEdit.

With imgEdit, you can crop, resize and zoom your picture. You can also add borders, text, give your picture an Andy Warhol effect or change the filter effect such as making it blur, sephia or negative and so much more.

Pros: Fun effects like: Blur, Grayscale, Warhol, Sephia, Noise, Sharpen and more.

Add borders and text

Cons: No fun stamps

Hard to get a picture to save with a border

imgEdit is a fun little app to add to your BlackBerry. I especially love the Warhol effect. The only thing I wish ToySoft would add to their imgEdit would be the ability to add little icons to your pictures. Like hats and stamps. You can pick it up from in the store for $7.99 (Seems to be on sale now for $4.99)

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