JHarker let us know about this free app from Smarter Apps which automatically changes your BlackBerrys background wallpaper at a user configurable preset interval. The coolest part is that the app lets you set different picture sources from your BlackBerry SD card to live webcams from around the world.
The problem is that it looks like Smarter Wallpaper is a hit and miss app. Half of the reviews for the app on App World rave about how great it is and the other half give it the lowest possible rating. Its funny since the reviews contradict each other. One will say the rotations are awesome while the other says they don’t work or freeze the device and so on. The only requirement is OS 4.7+ but that does not seem to be the issue.
I gave it a shot and installed it and it worked like a charm. I wish you had more control on the folders it chooses pictures from but it did work on my 9700. The webcam images are super grainy but they seem to be more of a novelty.
Check out Smarter Wallpaper in App World at this link if you want to give it a shot. Let us know if it works for you!
Terrence T ( View Profile) - Posts: