Kodak Releases Wireless Printer – Fails To Release BlackBerry App

kodak coming soon For months we have been hearing about how Kodak is coming out with a printing solution for BlackBerry. They were at CES showing off the solution at the RIM booth. They then proceeded to sue RIM over patent infringement in the next few days. They even managed to get DataViz to update Documents to Go back in March to make it compatible with Kodak’s wireless printing app.

Now SlashGear spotted the fact that Kodak is now selling the ESP Office 6150 AiO printer with wireless printing for the iPhone and BlackBerry. Turns out that the iPhone app is now available but the BlackBerry app is “Coming Soon.” Wonderful!

Now if you feel like shelling out $229.99 on Kodak’s website or $193 on Amazon for a printer that in the future will work from your BlackBerry let us know! 🙂

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