The new 9800 BlackBerry device is no longer news, everyone has been talking about it for quite some time. Many pictures and even videos of some prototypes have been leaked. Now Engadget has laid hands on what seems to be a legitimate device issued by AT&T, maybe the final prototype. That has to come with a review, of course, and Engadget is very positive about it. It is supposed to support WCDMA bands I, II, V, and VI, which means 3G service in many parts of the world, including Japan and Europe. The gallery boasts 38 pictures, it’s definitely worth a look.
I can’t remember the last time I got excited about a new BlackBerry device. I usually see articles about new BlackBerry devices all going, “zomg, check out those pics of the new four-digit-and-a-moniker BlackBerry model!!1!” And I go there and see the pics and I think to myself, haven’t I seen this model thousands of times before? Oh, this one is new because the others had Wifi and GPS or GPS and trackpad, but this one has Wifi and trackpad. Oh, and there is a new one coming out any minute now, it’s supposed to have a trackpad and a camera PLUS a chrome bezel. Snore…
Now RIM has come up with a slider. A large screen AND a full, physical QWERTY keyboard. GPS and videos must be terrific on that screen. Finally, RIM has my precious attention. I can hardly wait.
More pictures after the jump……
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