This is something I have been saying for years but many of my friends and colleagues still refuse to listen to reason. ANYTHING YOU DO ON YOUR WORK DEVICE CAN BE MONITORED BY YOUR EMPLOYER. That means that it is a BAD idea to apply for a new job from your work BlackBerry. Or in the case of Ontario police Sgt. Jeff Quon not sending racy sexually explicit text messages.
The court ruled that the police department was not at fault in searching and reviewing Quon’s text messages and it was a justified search. They claim it did not violate his fourth amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure. The court also suggested that regular workers not just federal and state workers would be under this ruling.
That means you should ONLY use personal devices for personal communication. Anything you say on a work device is fair game for employers to monitor. Either way its still a bad idea and your job is not worth the extra max-$100 a month it will cost you to get a personal device.
Let me know what you think!
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