More BB Bold 9800 Slider Pictures

The BlackBerry Bold 9800 has been making its rounds through the Internet in the last few weeks, we have seen a video of it and some blurry images but this new pictures are high quality. One thing I was wondering how much bigger the device would be compare to the current devices. From the looks of it the device is about the same size of the 9700 and similar form factor aside from the fact that it has both a slider out keyboard and a virtual keyboard.

The more we see of this device the more I want to get one. It will definitely be interesting using a BlackBerry with a physical keyboard and a touchscreen.

The pictures show that the battery is like the one’s on the 8900 and the 9650 smaller than the ones used by the 9000 and the 9700. They confirmed that is not sure press. One of the picture shows off a T-Mobile sim card but not sure if its any signs of the device heading there.

More pictures at the links below.

Source: CB via Berrytime.CN

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