WordPress for BlackBerry received an update to Version 1.2 with an improved UI. The update is available via App World and usually you will get a notification letting you know to upgrade to the newest version. It is nice to see that they are actively adding new features and improving the user experience. I have been using this application since day one, and I must say it has been useful specially when you don’t have access to a computer.
To download point your browser to this link for App World or via BB Browser
Changes include:
- Ability to show comprehensive site stats for WordPress.com sites and for self-hosted sites running the WP.com stats plug-in
- Ability to add audio recordings to a post/page
- Ability to post media files that are not tied to post/page
- Ability to add a signature on posts created from the mobile app
- “1- click” share to WordPress within the native BlackBerry Browser and File Explorer
- Improvements on GPS support
- Redesigned GUI with touch support
- The app now supports the following languages:
- English
- Italian
- Finnish
- French
- Indonesian
- German
- Portuguese
- Japanese
- Spanish
via: WordPress