I am dying to finally get some real conclusive facts on the link between cancer and cellphone use. Every new study that comes out finds it hard to link the two yet every day I hear about how constant cellphone use can be harmful to your health.
This latest study was by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer studying 13,000+ cellphone users over 10 years. The results so far show no clear answer to that question. Yet the researchers say that the possible link should still be examined. One issue with the study is that it was funded in part with money from mobile phone companies but still the World Health Organization is pretty solid. About 5.5 million Euros came from industry sources out of the total 19.2 million Euros spent on the study.
I want to know what you all think. My gut seems to think there is something to this cellphone->cancer link but nobody has been able to prove it yet. On the other hand 19.2 million Euros is quite a big chunk of change that could have been used to look for a cure instead of researching possible causes that always come up inconclusive. Thoughts?
via Reuters
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