The rumors have been swirling all weekend but it looks like things are finally official. Verizon will be releasing their first OS 5.0 release for the BlackBerry Tour tonight at around 11:50PM EST. (via CrackBerry) 🙂 Along with that release they will be rolling out their Push To Talk service on the device and including a new limited trial for you to give Push To Talk a shot.
The push to talk update is official now that Verizon has put out a official press release at this link. As we guessed before Verizon is aiming the Push To Talk feature towards business uses highlighting the ability to:
- Communicate with one person or a team with the push of a button
- Initiate and participate in group calls with up to 50 participants
- Check colleagues’ availability for a Push to Talk call with the Presence feature
- A single device and phone number for both Push to Talk and voice calls
- Online contact management tool for the entire organization
It will be interesting to see if Verizon can revive Push To Talk where all others have failed. What do you think? Will Verizon Push To Talk succeed?
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