FAQ: Download Large Files Using Opera Mini

operamini5Have you ever tried downloading a large file and run into the wonderful error "HTTP Error 413: Request Entity Too Large"? This is caused when you try to download a large file using the native BlackBerry browser.

Tom told us a little trick about how you can use Opera Mini to get around RIM’s requirement. Its very useful for people who don’t have tethering plans or need to download something quick to their SD card. Opera Mini 5.0 allows a user to download "large" files to the microSD card, which then can be accessed on a PC via USB cable or using the microSD card itself with an adapter.

For example, say you needed the latest Firefox browser for your PC. If you navigate to this URL within Mini Opera, the app will allow you to download the entire file to the device with no filesize limitations (nearly 8 MB in this case)! You can even try and download a full BlackBerry OS which is over 100MB+ without the app complaining.

So I have to ask have any of you used Opera Mini to download large files on your BlackBerry? I find it also useful for downloading podcasts and videos to my memory card…

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