Shazam v2.5 Released With Music Video & Store Integration

shazam Shazam is a pretty popular free/paid application that helps you “name that song.” The app tags music that you hear and helps you figure out who played what you were singing along to. James over @IntoMobile spotted an updated version of Shazam that adds some minor feature additions that I thought were worthy of mention.

The new version 2.5 of Shazam allows you to:

  • Watch music videos of tagged songs and more via YouTube
  • Tweet tags to your followers
  • Buy music direct from the 7Digital music store.

In case you don’t remember Shazam lets you tag 5 songs per month but you need to pay for more than that. They give you a 7 day trial to kick the tires if you are interested.

Download @ App World

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