RIM Gives Us A Look Inside The Magical Trackpad…

trackpaddiagram One of the biggest changes to BlackBerrys in the last year has been the replacement of the trackball with a trackpad. This little yet significant change has made using your BlackBerry with gloves on much more practical! 🙂 Becky over at the official BlackBerry Blog sat down with David (Vice President of Handheld Products) and Derek (Electronics Designer) for a quick lesson on how trackpads work.

I wont ruin all the details but I am glad to know that we weren’t that far off the mark by calling them optical trackpads. They is essentially a low resolution grayscale infrared camera facing the outside of the trackpad tracking the movement of your finger. It is also taking your fingerprint to make sure only you are using your BlackBerry… I Wish!

Check out the full story at this link

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