Adobe Working on Further BlackBerry Integration – Demos Flash in Simulator

I know one of the biggest features users are asking for from Adobe and RIM is flash support on the BlackBerry. I think the main reason users are interested is because of flash video and that seems to be coming next year. Still it looks like RIM is taking this integration a few steps further with Adobe. They are connecting their applications like Dreamweaver by letting you develop widgets within Dreamweaver. They also add new features to Adobe’s Device Central application that helps you easily create content for BlackBerrys.

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They are also tightening integration with the BlackBerry simulator because it lets you immediately test graphics and content on a BlackBerry. Check out the slides for some great shots of the applications in action.

Last but not least they showed off a video playing in a flash player on a BlackBerry Simulator. Not as impressive as it running on a real device but still its a step in the right direction.

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