Review: SoundID 200 Bluetooth Headset

IMG_7305Review: SoundID 200 Bluetooth Headset
[Rating: 9]
Price: $99.99

Summary: SoundID was founded by an otologist (ear doctor) who sought to create bluetooth headsets that work with the natural sound processing of the ear. With that in mind, they created the SoundID200. The SoundID200 does one thing and does it right–gives you an earphone that safely and intelligibly delivers audio to the ear and a microphone that focuses in on a user’s voice and blocks out other sounds.

Fit: The SoundID200 gives you the option of using an ear loop like most headsets, but by default uses a smaller rubber cover with a nub that presses against the inside cavity of the ear. The default configuration is designed to hold the unit in your ear like a hearing aid–nice and snug without having to reach around the back of your ear. After using the SoundID200 for about a week I have to say, its pretty damn comfortable.

Sound: The rubber cover earpiece has a funnel that goes deep into the ear, delivering the audio straight into the ear. This makes the audio seem loud without having to hurt your eardrums with actual increased volume. Lastly, by funneling the sound deeper into the ear, the effects of background noises are decreased.

Volume: The SoundID200 also utilizes automatic volume control, which detects the how loud your surroundings are and adjust the volume accordingly. Thus, theoretically, you should never have to raise or lower the volume. But if you were to manually adjust the volume there is a single volume button. Hitting it once will raise the volume to max, twice will reduce the volume to low and three times will bring the volume back to midlevels. It might seem  weird at first, but the single button system really isn’t so complicated and makes it easier to simply raise or lower volume automatic volume control. While it used to take almost four clicks to raise the volume to max, now it only takes one.


Microphone Quality: The unit employs “black out” technology, which uses two microphones to filter out background noises. A few bluetooth headsets are employing this tech lately and SoundID employs it well.

Power: Micro usb connection, so no new power cords needed.

Aesthetic: Brushed dark blue faceplate makes it stick out from the normal headsets. The boom holds close to the cheek so no dangling. Overall, looks like a quality build.

Final Verdict: If you are looking for a no-nonsense bluetooth headset that that is sensitive to you hearing health, this is definitely a good buy.

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