BlackBerry Essex (Tour2?) Caught On Video

BlackBerryEssex With the original Tour barely out the door Kevin is now giving us a look at what the upcoming Tour2 will look like. I know RIM always tacks on new features and calls it a new device like the 8300->8310 but this was quick!

The Tour2 as it has been called has the codename “Essex” and looks like it is packing the same hardware as the original Tour with a few changes. The main changes are the addition of Wi-Fi and the replacement of the trackball with a trackpad. Nothing really crazy but this will bring the Tour2 up to date. It looks like the Essex hardware refresh was originally scheduled for Jan/Feb but rumor is that RIM is working on bringing it in before the holidays.

So what do you think of the Essex? Will you be changing your Tour for one? Check out the video after the jump.

(video link)

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