Bellshare let me know that they released BerrySilent which is a simple app that lets you silence your BlackBerry. The coolest thing about it is that on the Storm it is activated by flipping your device face down. On other devices you can set a convenience key to silence it kind of like how you can hold down the Q button in OS 4.6+. The app is regularly $3.99 but is on sale until Sunday for $1.99. You can check out a video of the app in action and a full description after the jump!
Giveaway details: In the spirit of changing things up this giveaway will be rapid fire style. The first 50 readers who head to this link and use the coupon code 50brsilent will get a free copy of BerrySilent. Don’t forget to thank BellShare for this giveaway in the comments!
BerrySilent Description
BerrySilent allows you to silence your BlackBerry by simply flipping it over (Storm only) or by pressing a convenience key.
You can set the phone profile (Normal, Vibrate, Silence etc) to switch to as well as the profile to return to on switching back. You can either set a fixed profile or have BerrySilent automatically switch back to the previously active profile.
When silencing your phone via the convenience key you can select to automatically lock the device. On unlock the profile will automatically switch back.
Furthermore you can select the profiles in which BerrySilent is allowed/not allowed to switch. This can be especially useful if you do not want to switch from vibrate to silence when flipping over your Storm.
- Switch to specified profile on convenience key
- Switch to specified profile when flipping the phone over (Storm only)
- Return to selectable profile when launching again/flipping back
- Return to previous profile when launching again/flipping back (not yet available on OS 5.0)
- Option to lock the device after switching (Automatically returns to a specified/previous profile when unlocking device)
- Play tone/vibrate on successful profile switch (not yet available on OS 5.0)
- Play tone/vibrate when profiler switch fails (not yet available on OS 5.0)
- Only switch profile when currently in a specified profile (not yet available on OS 5.0)
- Silences the ringer when phone is flipped over while ringing
Diaz ( View Profile) - Posts: