I never heard of www.hullomail.com is a free service & they have launched a new Visual voicemail client for the BlackBerry. The service is similar to the popular www.youmail.com services it seems to be Available for the UK, & the US only, optimized for the 8900, 9600, 9000, with support for other devices coming soon. The application is very colorful and not as dull as some of the youmail app. I have not tried the service myself but if you are interested below is some more information from their website along with a video demo of the application.
HulloMail for Blackberry turns your voicemails into “voice-emails” and makes it quick and easy for you to manage them through your email, mobile or the web – whether you’re at work or on the go.
Here is some information along with a video from their site:
HulloMail lets you:
* Receive and play voice-emails directly in your inbox, mobile and the web
* Get notified of any missed call, even in areas with no mobile reception
* Take control of your voice-emails – it’s up to you, not the operator
* Share, delete and keep your voice-emails forever, within a click
* See who’s calling you instantly from your email contacts
* Access, view, and manage your voice-emails, all from one place
The HulloMail mobile application also gives you:
* One click access to all your voice-emails
* An enhanced single view of your voice-emails
* Embedded rich contact information from your phone or your Gmail contacts
You can point your BlackBerry browser to m.hullomail.com or www.hullomail.com to sign up or learn more about it from their FAQ’s section.
Via mobilecrunch
Renee Not Registered
Posted: September 28, 2009 at 10:13 AM EST
I tried it and I’m uninstalling it. It doesn’t notify you immediately when you receive a voicemail, doesn’t send an alert or sound, you have to go into the application and refresh.
Fusion Voicemail Plus is much better, notifies you immediately and is fast, also does not plug in advertising in the vm greeting.
Renee Not Registered
Posted: September 28, 2009 at 10:14 AM EST
Fusion Voicemail Plus’ interface is not as nice, but the features are better.
Pinc Not Registered
Posted: September 30, 2009 at 10:48 PM EST
YouMail works very nicely for me and works on all BB models.
Notifies and you can even set different greetings for different users, even on the free account!
Dan Not Registered
Posted: March 5, 2010 at 7:48 AM EST
Works great for me! The issues you guys talk about have been solved, I get instant notification now, plus Hullos feature really cool! Not sure about the ads you mention as I haven’t found them, but Youmail is ugly, ugly ugly!