RIM Opens Up New BlackBerry Alliance Program – Interesting Changes

I am not sure exactly what was wrong with the old Alliance Program for RIM partners but this new program looks way more intensive. RIM was not accepting new applications for awhile but now but it looks like the doors are open again. I did notice some new things like a member points requirements and a free registered member option that I have never seen before.

Basic CMYK

There are now four tiers of members:

These different membership levels are intended to promote members to engage in the program. They must achieve a certain number of membership points to be in a certain tier. For example an associate member needs 45 up to an elite member requiring 100. Points are earned  by doing everything from company representation at WES or the DevCon to promoting the alliance on your website (5 points each).

Its an interesting idea and I am curious to hear what alliance partners think of it. Anybody care to comment?

Check out the details at http://www.blackberryalliance.com/ or this link directly

via BlackBerryCool

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