RIM Advertising on Microsoft’s MyPhone Beta Backup Website

This is either a fluke or RIM has some serious marketing geniuses working for them. Fellow writer Remzi spotted this BlackBerry advertisement on Microsoft’s MyPhone Beta Windows Mobile backup website. I always knew there was a reason advertising companies allowed for competitive ad filters but somebody at Microsoft has to be kicking themselves for letting this through. Its not like Verizon or AT&T issued the ad. This one is straight from RIM!


I wonder if this ad has led to any BlackBerry converts from Windows Mobile. I can see a user logging in after their Windows Mobile phone crashes (yet again) and deciding to convert. 🙂

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  1. As a WinMo user, I’ve seen dozen of adds sprinkled all over MS websites, nothing new there.

    But I think it is disingenuous and continues to spread FUD to say Windows Mobile users experience numerous crashes on their devices. I”ve alway found WinMo to be stable as far back as I knew the difference. Of course, I don’t have a gazilion apps on my phone either or muck around with ROM’s. I’ve got the apps I need that help me do what I want/need – no more, no less.

    The only reason I am thinking of switching is because of the uniform hardware specs of RIM’s devices compared to the all over the board specs Microsoft allows their partners.

    If Microsoft would require EVERY WinMo (standard or pro) phone has a camera WITH flash, a 3.5 mm headphone jack and a minimum of 320×320 screen, I would feel no need to switch.

    Alas, they do not. And unless the upcoming crop of new phones running 6.5 have my preferred hardware requirements, I’ll have to leave Windows Mobile although the OS itself has been a pleasure to use.

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