WTF: Beauty and the Geek Jeans.

I don’t even know where to begin with this. Bull sent this one in via Twitter earlier today. (I know it’s not BlackBerry related but it’s Tech so it sort of makes it 1/2 OK to post)

Everyone has seen articles on those silly Japanese inventions. You all know the ones I’m talking about, like the toilet roll hat that dispenses toilet paper to clean your glasses. This takes the cake.

beauty-geek-jeans-42708-1Yep, your seeing this right… It’s a keyboard built into a pair of jeans… But wait… There’s more… These also come with speakers in the knee area, a mouse that retracts to the back pocket and a, wait for it, joystick behind the front zipper. Team this all up with a webcam hat and you are all set to look like a TOTAL tool in any environment.

What are people thinking when the are designing stuff like this. Well, I don’t really think they are thinking. It’s like the ‘jam a watch in everything’ fad that we all had to endure a few years ago.

Anyway, if you want to check out a few  more pictures just head over to:

Thanks Bull for the tip mate…


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