I love reading eBooks on my BlackBerry but that is only really good for casual reading. When it comes to manuals and technical guides I find eBooks frustrating due to how hard it is to navigate compared to flipping a book. We have mentioned the BlackBerry Made Simple guides a few times in digital eBook and video form but now many of them are available in paperback on Amazon.
They just released the paperback versions for the BlackBerry 9630 Tour and BlackBerry 8350i Curve. These are great guides for getting started and answering all your basic BlackBerry questions. I find them invaluable for novice users who are just getting their first taste and have no idea how much the BlackBerry can do.
You can find the books on Amazon at the links below for $20.99:
Bryan Not Registered
Posted: August 13, 2009 at 2:26 PM EST
i’m sorry, but if you need a physical book to learn how to use your blackberry, then you probably shouldn’t have one. i’m not saying that you should know everything about a blackberry right out of the box. but if you are making the leap to a modern, technological, smartphone type device, then you should already know how things google and the internet work.