N8D let me know that he has disassembled the BlackBerry 8520 Curve on video along with pictures. The video is very useful for those of you who want to see naked Curves. 🙂
Since there is no need to replace the dirty trackballs anymore I am not sure how often I would use such a guide but it is a good thing to have! Though since RIM started fusing the LCD screens to the plastic screens you don’t even have to clean out dust anymore. Though you may need to fix that trackpad over time…
Check out all the video and pics at this link. Keep up the good work N8D!
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Posted: August 6, 2009 at 8:58 PM EST
So I was bored at work today and did a quick 10 minute comparison.
8520 vs 8900 vs 9000 vs 9530 vs 9630 vs 8330.