HOT! BBSAK 1.3 Released – Backup & Restore Third Party Applications!

picture3evd Jason let me know that BBSAK (BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife) 1.3 was released on Monday. BBSAK started as a nicer GUI compared to the classic JL_cmdr but has now gone well past even being comparable. The new version 1.3 lets you backup and restore third party applications from your BlackBerry along with saving or removing an individual COD file. The app is now a MUST HAVE in my book and will be following me around on my USB key. It can do anything from removing a IT Policy to taking screenshots to backing up or removing COD files.

New to v1.3

  • New way to detect device implemented MUCH MORE efficient and accurate
  • Radio is now temporarily disabled while backing up devices (turns back on when backup completed)
  • Backup now creates .alx file (allows you to install from loader.exe/desktop manager) and wont give you trouble when using desktop manager
  • Restore 3rd Party apps removed – with alx install in 1 step with loader.exe
  • Ability to Read all Apps on the Blackberry (3rd party and stock)
  • Ability to Save individual COD files (C:\Program Files\BBSAK\CODs\(App name)\cod file)
  • Ability to Remove individual COD files (THEY WILL BE LOST FOR GOOD!)
  • Ability to Load individual COD files (some require phone restarting others do not depends if app is running in background)
  • Donate button! please donate if you appreciate our hard work!

Main Features

  • Wipe Blackberry leaving a 507 error
  • Reset Blackberry to factory state removing any IT Policy
  • Take Screenshots of your Blackberry (Screenshots stored in My Pictures\BBScreenies now)
  • Auto-Detects if phone is plugged in first.
  • Displays PIN so you know your connected.
  • Will not let you do any actions until phone detected.
  • Load OS will auto delete Vendor.xml and start Loader.exe. (BBDM is needed for this)
  • Backup 3rd Party Apps*
  • Restore 3rd Party Apps**
  • Save to Program Files\BBSAK\Backup (only 1 backup at a time) Will prompt to make rename if backup already exits (click ok to see folder for name change)
    **Restore within Loader.exe

You can download it at RIMGeeks at this link

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