Mogo Talk – Bluetooth Headset That Sticks to Your BlackBerry?

mogotalk I am not sure if sales will take off like crazy for the Mogo Talk but it is the first Bluetooth headset I have seen stuck to a BlackBerry 8900 or 83xx Curve. They also mentioned on CrunchGear that the BlackBerry Tour & Bold models are coming soon. I remember there used to be a Samsung phone like this and that never sold really well…

Right now they are letting you register for a chance to win one of 50 of them at I am curious to see what people think of a headset that makes their BlackBerry even thicker. Especially when CrunchGear is saying that the 8900 model will be $129 and the 83xx model will be $99.

Mogo has a pretty good history since they also created a Bluetooth mouse that fits into an Expresscard or PCMCIA card slot on your laptop. I wonder if it will sell…

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Looks cool, but for me the problem’s always been keeping the lil buggers charged!

  2. I don’t have either phones but I still entered. I plan on moving from the flip to the 8900 probably in a few months. However, I still enjoy my flip, and I did think the 8900 was too small.

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