Tazzle: An Overpriced $80 Bluetooth Dongle?

Tazzle4 Luis let me know about this upcoming solution called Tazzle for BlackBerry. It will supposedly let you easily transfer email attachments, photos, and files from your BlackBerry to your PC courtesy of their $79.95 Tazzle USB dongle. You can already do that currently with any $10 USB Bluetooth dongle so this leaves me very confused. The Tazzle even has the same 30 feet limitation as Bluetooth yet they make a point of never mentioning it.

It could be that Tazzle offers some software app to make it worth $80 but it has to be some BRILLIANT software for me to even consider it.

Check out the slim details at www.tazzleit.com. It makes me wonder what RIM says to their Alliance Members when they come up with these ideas… Kind of like Lenovo Connect which has taken the BlackBerry world by storm!

4 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. what I see interesting about this application :

    you can print from your BlackBerry device to a printer connected to the PC that contains the dongle

    you get a bluetooth dongle that (maybe ?) does not require the Microsoft Bluetooth drivers (can be practical if you use anther Bluetooth device on your PC that requires its own drivers).

  2. Ronen

    It doesn’t sound like you have tried the Tazzle i have been using the unit for a few months now and I can say it isn’t what I expected it exceeded all my expectations and filled needs i didn’t know i had. I suggest before you pass judgment on this that you take some time to use it and understand what it does. I don’t know what product i could use to do all this and also save me time and in the industry I’m in time is money.

  3. @Joe Zusin : can you develop what you mean by “all my expectations”, “needs I didn’t know I had” and “to do all this” ? There is no trial so we can’t just try it.

    • When I say it meet all my expectations I was told it would transfer files from my blackberry without plugging it into my computer, it did that without a flaw and was kind of fun to see the stuff on my blackberry pop up on my computer screen. So I can go to a computer in my lab class and use my Tazzle to send only the documents I want to have put on the computer in front of me and not worry about transferring any of my personal info on to the public used pc. Which leads me into the needs I didn’t know I had, I use a lot of different computers and the only way I can be able to do work on any one of the units is either A. Network all the pc and pay thousands of dollars to set up a secure server, and pay a lot of money I didn’t want to spend, or pay 80 for a Tazzle it was easy for me to make the decision. The product has helped me countless amounts of times because I use my blackberry more then I use a computer, so when I have documents or emails on my blackberry and I don’t want to deal with blackberry desktop manager how do I transfer emails individually in order to be more efficient with my time that is where I use the Tazzle. The interface is so easy and efficient that a person who knows nothing about computer like my girlfriend, has no problems using the Tazzle, she takes pictures with my phone and uploads them on to my pc wirelessly with the Tazzle. I do agree that reading about the Tazzle does not give it justice because it is such a unique product that it is something you need to see to believe yet, I can guarantee that if you have a blackberry and a pc then getting the Tazzle with make you blackberry experience so much easier and more efficient I can guarantee it.

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