Jerry let me know that Amazon has already lowered the price on the Verizon BlackBerry Tour to $99. It looks like that price is only good for new individual contracts. The price goes up to the regular $199.97 if you are upgrading or adding to a family plan.
Check out the deal at this link
Let me know if you spot any other good deals on the BlackBerry Tour especially if you find something from Sprint!
mh Not Registered
Posted: July 14, 2009 at 2:49 PM EST from my BlackBerry 8330
What really amazes me about Verizon is that on their website the description of the Tour touts, among other features, “VZ Navigator”. I am amazed that they are still selling this useless piece of memory-hogging software. The first thing I tell people who buy a new Verizon Blackberry is to delete VZ Navigator in order to save memory.
Verizon Blackberry Themes Not Registered
Posted: October 1, 2009 at 12:48 PM EST
Of course, just like any other carrier they always load some of their crap on it. Its like buying a NEW PC, the first thing i do is UNINSTALL all the factory extra’s except for drivers.