ZoomSafer Beta BlackBerry App Attempts to Stop Distracted Driving

zoomsafer After a recent study found texting while driving more distracting that driving drunk this was bound to happen. ZoomSafer let me know about a new app they are beta testing that integrates location services, call management, voice control, and social media into one app to help you focus on driving.

Obviously such an app is targeted at the BlackBerry addicts though all the videos seem to focus on teenagers telling other teenagers not to drive with distractions…

  • The playing of a customizable audio file – from spouse, child, employer or favorite celebrity — reminding the user to “be safe and focus on the road” – (Anybody else think this is creepy?)
  • Auto-updates to social networks including Facebook and Twitter (including the option to share location) so friends, family and co-workers know that the user is driving and are less likely to interrupt
  • Automatic suppression of inbound alerts and issuance of auto-replies to calls, texts, and emails to inform others that the user is focused while driving and will respond when available
  • Personalized audio announcements of select callers so the user does not have to look at their phone to see who is calling
  • Voice safety portal so users can create/send voice-powered emails, text messages, and Tweets as well as listen to audio-enabled, personalized content feeds including blogs, RSS, Twitter posts, etc.

I am not sure about posting a status message on Facebook or twitter every time I get behind the wheel. On the other hand I guess this is a boon for parents with inexperienced drivers who need to focus on the road!

You can register for the beta and read more at www.zoomsafer.com

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