2 FOR 1 Theme Sale at Elecite.Com!

*Note: As a kind reader pointed out, I incorrectly stated the sale dates. It is indeed a 2 day sale, but for this Thursday and Friday only (June 25th & 26th). Sorry for the inconvenience.

241 Sale - Elecite

I may be a little late in mentioning this but I just got wind last night from Peter that Elecite is having a 2 for 1 theme sale on their site. Basically, it’s a buy one, get one free kind of thing. Anyways, this is a good time to pick up a theme from them if you had been wanting one, because you can get your 2nd one free. Just pick the two themes you want in their store, use coupon code 241 at checkout and off you go!

Sale is only good for today and tomorrow (ends the 26th) at Elecite.Com!

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