Motek Mobile’s Proud American & Canadian Apps – 1000 Free Copies!

screenshot_1-1screenshot_1Tyler over at Motek Mobile just let me know they are giving our readers a freebie of their cute little applications called; Proud American & Proud Canadian. Now you can show your patriotism right on your BlackBerry…just in time for Independence Day and Canada Day!

With the Proud American app…flashes the screen with the stars and stripes, in red, white and blue, along with flashing LED light and playing the Star Spangled Banner! Perfect for sporting events, Independence Day, national holidays, and any other time you just feel like showing off your country to everyone around you. Be a proud American!

With the Proud Canadian app…flashes the screen with our beloved maple leaf, along with the LED light while playing the Canadian national anthem! Perfect for hockey games, sporting events, Canada Day, and any other time you just feel like showing off your country to everyone around you. Be a proud Canadian!

First 1000 Proud Americans can go to this link and type in PROUDAMERICAN at checkout to get this app for free!

First 1000 Proud Canadians can go to this link and type in PROUDCANADIAN at checkout to get this app for free!

Hurry as these codes will go quick!! A BIG THANKS TO TYLER AT MOTEK MOBILE!!!

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