BlackBerry Gmail App Getting Push Email in July? (Catch Included)

googlemobilegmail I know quite a few people who use the Gmail mobile app for their personal email on a work device. Vicky let me know about a forum thread on the official Google Mobile Help forum. In it a Google Employee, Ethan, confirmed that the Google App for BlackBerry will get push email in July.

As a reminder, push email support is currently available with the Gmail app on Android devices and will be available for Google Apps Premier Edition and Education Edition users with BlackBerry devices in July.

NOTE: There is a BIG catch when it comes to this. It looks like push will only be supported for Google Apps Premier Edition and Education Edition users. That means regular Gmail and Google Apps Standard (Free) will not get this update.

While practically all of us already get push notification for Gmail through BIS I think it will be a welcome feature. I just wish it were not limited to the paid editions of Google Apps. The reason I am excited is that I hope the Google Sync application will get the push treatment soon so that it syncs your contacts and calendar instantly!

Hopefully RIM & Google are also working together to get two way sync with Gmail just like they do with Yahoo. That would be the best solution for me.

via SERoundtable

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