FAQ: BIS Website & On Device Cryptic Error Messages Explained

I always hated RIM’s cryptic error messages that are impossible to understand. Recently I discovered a list of the Java error codes and now RIM has posted a list of the possible errors you can get using BlackBerry Internet Service both on your device and through their website. Its a pretty useful list if you are running into issues and are looking for some further details. I copied it below for easy access.

My personal favorites that I get asked about frequently are:

  • Password error message – That means Gmail has locked you out and you need to login from a desktop to do the CAPTCHA verification
  • HTTP Error 406 – An IT policy is restricting the BlackBerry smartphone user from downloading third-party applications or themes.

From the knowledge base:

The following table lists the error messages that might be received by BlackBerry Internet Service subscribers using the BlackBerry Internet Service web site:

Error message Description KB article
We were not able to find the mail domain: <domain>. Please check the info and try again. The BlackBerry Internet Service web site cannot locate the messaging and collaboration server associated with the email address that the BlackBerry Internet Service subscriber is trying to integrate. For more information on this error message, see KB11234.
Premature end of file.; Line#: -1; Column#: -1 The Alert rule on the web page does not accept Null requests when selecting or editing filters in the BlackBerry Internet Service account. For more information on this error message, see KB11707.
Password error message The Post Office Protocol (POP) account is locked by the Gmail® Captcha program. For more information on this error message, see KB11734.
NO SELECT Mailbox not found: INBOX An inbox is not available on the mail server when trying to validate the email server and select the inbox of an associated Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) account. For more information on this error message, see KB13791.
Old password is incorrect The BlackBerry Internet Service account password was changed multiple times on the BlackBerry Internet Service web site. For more information on this error message, see KB14073.
The PIN and IMEI are already in use The BlackBerry smartphone is still associated with a previous BlackBerry Internet Service account. For more information on this error message, see KB10286 or KB12311.
The User ID and Password provided are invalid. Please re-enter your User ID and Password and try again


Please check your information and try again.

The user ID and password are incorrect or the BlackBerry Internet Service account is locked. For more information on this error message, see KB02171.
Maximum allowable attempts! The personal identification number (PIN), or International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), or both, have been typed incorrectly three consecutive times when creating a BlackBerry Internet Service account. For more information on this error message, see KB02989.
PIN or IMEI of the device does not exist The BlackBerry smartphone is not registered on the wireless network or the BlackBerry smartphone is still associated with a previous BlackBerry Internet Service account. For more information on this error message, see KB04264.
The service is currently unavailable. The phone number used to log in to the T-Mobile® web site does not match the active phone number for the BlackBerry smartphone. For more information on this error message, see KB10507.
A connection could not be established to <email.domain>/exchange/<user_name>. Please check that the servername is correct and that the server is available. A Microsoft® Internet Security and Acceleration Server (ISA Server 2004) is causing the failure when validating the associated email account. For more information on this error message, see KB04804.

The following table lists the error messages that might be received on a BlackBerry smartphone activated for BlackBerry Internet Service.

Error Message Description KB Articles
User account is in SUSPENDED mode The wireless service provider has placed the BlackBerry smartphone in suspended mode. For more information on this error message, see KB05055.
PIN specifies a device that already exists!


The PIN and ESN/IMEI provided could not be properly identified

The BlackBerry smartphone PIN number is not listed on the wireless service provider’s web site or the BlackBerry smartphone is not registered on the wireless network. For more information on this error message, see KB04340.
Message included an invalid address There are several causes for this error message, including an invalid recipient’s email address or invalid service books. For more information on this error message, see KB00035.
Transaction Error: User account is in invalid mode The BlackBerry smartphone is not activated on the wireless network. For more information on this error message, see KB03868.
Transaction error failure at service There are several causes for this error message, including that the BlackBerry smartphone user has been removed from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server or a problem with the generated encryption key. For more information on this error message, see KB00050.
<5.1.0 – Unknown address error 553> The BlackBerry smartphone user is trying to send an email message using the legacy service book, Web Client [CMIME]. For more information on this error message, see KB10344.
HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable The BlackBerry smartphone is not provisioned for BlackBerry Internet Service browsing. For more information on this error message, see KB04828.
HTTP Error 406 An IT policy is restricting the BlackBerry smartphone user from downloading third-party applications or themes. For more information on this error message, see KB10934.
Invalid email address A forwarding rule is configured to forward email messages from an associated email account to a BlackBerry address that does not exist. For more information on this error message, see KB10066.
5.1.2 – Bad destination host ‘DNS Hard Error looking up ns(x).servername.com’ The Internet Protocol (IP) address of the destination messaging server has not fully propagated across the domain name system (DNS). For more information on this error message, see KB11435.
5.1.0 – Unknown address error 553-‘Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed or chunk too large The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and Sender Rewrite Scheme (SRS) implementations are causing email messaging servers to detect an original sender email address that is incorrect. For more information on this error message, see KB13823.
has not been delivered to the recipient’s BlackBerry Handheld

The error status returned is <SRP_FAILED>

Service classes are not appropriately assigned with the wireless network. For more information on this error message, see KB14109.
Unable to compress and encrypt email message. The Desktop [CMIME] service book is being used instead of the <account name> [CMIME] service book to send email messages. For more information on this error message, see KB04415.
Unable to look up the user info in database There are several causes for this error message, including that the BlackBerry Internet Service account is no longer active or the legacy service book, Web Client [CMIME], is being used to send email messages. For more information on this error message, see KB13598.
Undeliverable message The recipient’s messaging and collaboration server is detecting that the email address of the sender is different from the sender name listed in the header of the email message and restricting email messages from the sender. For more information on this error message, see KB10440.
More request could not be completed, service book information not found There are several causes for this error message, including that the BlackBerry smartphone is configured to use BlackBerry® Desktop Redirector or the <email address> [CMIME] service book is not available on the BlackBerry smartphone. For more information on this error message, see KB10473 or KB02228.
Mailbox couldn’t find original message: if forwarding or replying please resend the message.


Desktop couldn’t find original message: if forwarding or replying please resend the message.

There are several causes for this error message, including that the original email message has been permanently deleted or the original email message is filed in a personal or offline folder. For more information on this error message, see KB00353.
[Unable to connect to the internet please try again if the problem persists please contact your service provider]. There are several causes that can cause this error message, including that the BlackBerry smartphone is not activated for BlackBerry Internet Service browsing or the wireless transceiver is turned off. For more information on this error message, see KB11678.
5.1.0 – Unknown address error 554-‘5.7.1 Invalid Recipient This error can be caused if a forwarding rule is set up to send to a BlackBerry email address that is not active or if the recipient’s email address is typed incorrectly. For more information on this error message, see KB10951.
Error in parsing this message. Couldn’t display the body part. The email message cannot be translated because it uses HTML code. For more information on this error message, see KB11915.
Domain of sender’s email address does not exist The domain name used in the Sent From email address field is invalid. For more information on this error message, see KB12248.
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